Staff Development

Dyslexia: What Professionals and Parents Should Know (webinar)

Everyone Reading

Research-based Strategies for Reading, Writing, and Math for Struggling Students

Workshops presented at a wide range of public and private schools in the tri-state area including The Trinity School, Windward School, Nightingale-Bamford, Grapevine Network, The Moriah School, Reece School, St. Bernard’s School, The Spence School, Children’s Village and more.


International Dyslexia Association National Conference (Chicago)

Speaker: Becoming a Strategic Reader: Linking Assessment to Comprehension Instruction

Fordham University

Invited Speaker: The Fluency Factor: The Bridge to Skilled Reading

NYC Association of Teachers of Independent Schools (ATIS) Conference

Invited Speaker: What is Dyslexia?

Springer School and Center (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Invited Speaker: Becoming a Strategic Reader: Comprehension and Vocabulary Strategies to Improve Performance

READING SUMMIT (NYC Department of Education)

Invited Speaker: Strategies to Improve Reading Comprehension for Struggling Learners

Full CV Reference

A compete reference list of Dr. Marzola's education, clients, conference presentations, lectures, workshops, teaching experience, publications, professional development, honors, awards, professional licenses and professional affiliations is available on her CV for download.