
New York City Department of Education

    Consultant for the Intervention Initiative.

    Made recommendations for development of Intervention Program to identify, support, and monitor progress of struggling students in New York City Public Schools

  • Met regularly with Regional Directors of Intervention Services to review test data, recommend additional assessment and intervention tools, set goals, monitor progress, and provide information about current research-validated strategies to address academic needs of students targeted for intervention.
  • Reviewed current assessment tools and made recommendations for improved use of data generated by these assessments by teachers and administrators
  • Conducted staff development sessions focused on research-based assessment and intervention strategies in literacy that were filmed by TEACHSCAPE for use in the schools by Intervention Teams and other school support personnel.

The Jewish Education Project

Provide professional staff development to educators and administrators who work within the Board of Jewish Education in New York; Consultant to Project SIR (Success in Reading) program for students in Grades K-4 who are struggling readers

Turnaround for Children

Consulting with members of this organization to assist in transforming the most challenged public schools in New York City by identifying areas of concern and recommending research-validated strategies within a Response to Intervention framework.

EveryVoice Productions

Part of Advisor Team for a new documentary about dyslexia (tentative title: Success Stories of Struggling Readers).

New York State Supreme Court-Civil Division

Served as an expert witness about the educational needs of a young child with ADHD in a child custody case heard at NY State Supreme Court-Civil Division

Full CV Reference

A compete reference list of Dr. Marzola's education, clients, conference presentations, lectures, workshops, teaching experience, publications, professional development, honors, awards, professional licenses and professional affiliations is available on her CV for download.